• Question: What made you want to study bees?Have you learned anything from studying them and if so what?

    Asked by Little Flower to Roberto, William on 7 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by LS2008, #fluffy#puppy#, Marvelous Me, otterdude446, Peter the frying pan, Ak_2907.
    • Photo: William

      William answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      I don’t study them but they are such a cool animal who can do things in groups from the hive and its really incredible but i’ll let Roberto answer đŸ˜›

    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      I started working with honeybees way before I started studying them. I was a quite good beekeeper in Italy before moving to Ireland. During my beekeeping experience, I really started to love these little and cute insects.
      So, then I decided that I wanted to start studying honeybees trying to help them out since they are suffering a drastic decline in the last decade.
      I have actually learnt a lot from them just by observing them. Those are incredible insects and they society are so finely tuned within the hive in ways that can not even imagine.
      For example, I have learned that when a honeybee colony wants to change their home, they start a very particular decisional process that involves all of the worker bees to trying to get the best “house” nearby, and then all together decide where to move in. This resembles a sort of very developed democracy within the insect kingdom.
      Also, I have discovered that, despite the common public ideas, wild honeybees still exist in Irland. This is an amazing discovery!
