• Question: How long is a honeybees life span

    Asked by Guppy2007 to Roberto, Jasmine on 7 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by Ak_2907, 933envp24, Hazel1597, the joeff, D h-man99⚽️.
    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      The worker bees have different lifespans based on the time of the year they are born in. For example, a worker who was born in spring or summer time will live up to 6 weeks before dying exhausted for too work in collecting nectar and pollen, whereas a worker born in late autumn will survive all over the winter up to 6 months.
      A queen bee can survive up to 4 years
      Drone bees (the male of the colony) only live during spring and summer time, and normally their lifespan is 6 weeks.
