• Question: do you find your day at tiring

    Asked by nw10 to William, Roberto, Karen, Jasmine, Chinna on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: William

      William answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Sometimes yes, it depends how busy I am!

    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      I usually find the day fun but tiring, I always have a mix of lab and computer work today, and a big to-do-list, and sometimes get a bit stressed! I try to go for a walk during the day to relax đŸ™‚

    • Photo: Jasmine

      Jasmine answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Yes! Well actually it depends on the day. I find working at my desk very tiring because it usually requires a lot of thinking and my brain gets tired. I prefer field work, which is when I work outside collecting jellyfish. When I’m doing field work I can usually switch my brain off and only my body is tired after carrying buckets of jellyfish all day.

    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      It really depends on the day, but normally the days are long enough to make me tired at the end. Hopefully, only my mind gets tired, so I am still able to do some sport after work if I feel like.
