• Question: Aproxamatly how many different types of jellyfish are in Ireland?

    Asked by nomnomshark to Jasmine, William, Roberto, Karen, Chinna on 6 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by Thomasthetankengine, Star206, Oran 5995.
    • Photo: Jasmine

      Jasmine answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      There are five main types of jellyfish in Ireland and these are Barrel jellyfish, Lion’s Mane jellyfish, Compass jellyfish, Blue jellyfish and Moon (or common) jellyfish. There are, however, lots of different marine creatures which are closely related to jellyfish and look a bit like them. These include the Portuguese Man O’ War and By-the-wind sailors. These two jellyfish are actually lots of tiny animals which all work together to make one bigger animal. I hope I’ve answered your question for you.
