• Question: If you ate something that had a cleaning liquid on it would it affect you?

    Asked by Little Flower to William, Jasmine on 7 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by 993envp29, kr, Sarah207, 238envp29, Orla208, Rogo, history king1, 878envp48.
    • Photo: William

      William answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      No, but it may taste funny!
      So the products i am studying are very different from those you use at home as they are used during the process of getting the food ready to be sold. These are not an issue as they make sure to wash with water many times before the food goes into the tanks đŸ™‚ it is no harm to you as your body is able to remove these as it has many defense mechanisms so don’t worry nothing bad would happen)
